Decorator for your interior in Domaine de Terre Blanche
Your partner for the renovation and furnishing of your villa in Terre Blanche.
Located in the heart of the stunning landscapes of Provence and the Var, the Terre Blanche estate is a private residence bordering two beautiful golf courses, recognized by golfers as one of the must-visit destinations on the French Riviera. As a result, numerous prestigious villas have been developed, attracting a European clientele.
Luxury interior decoration in Terre Blanche.
DMG Collection offers you a high-end interior decoration and furnishing service for your villa in Terre Blanche. Recognized for the quality of its services, our design office conceives and implements the complete layout of your home, regardless of the decoration style. Our interior architecture firm selects indoor and outdoor furniture, materials and finishes, and fabrics for your curtains, drapes, headboards, etc. DMG Collection has 15 years of experience in villa decoration and interior architecture in the Var and on the French Riviera.
Interior designer in Terre Blanche Le Var
Composed of a team of qualified artisans, DMG Collection handles the execution of your interior renovation work. From the study of your project to its implementation, site supervision, and final furnishing, our design office supports you throughout the entire renovation process of your villa. This high-end, tailored service ensures results that meet your expectations.
Curtain and drape making for villas in Terre Blanche, Var
DMG Collection has an extensive library of upholstery fabrics from the finest publishers, featuring thousands of references that allow for the customization of your interior down to the finest details. Expert advice from our decorators on the choice of materials, colors, and textures will help you refine your selection.
An ideal partner for enhancing your interior.
DMG Collection is an ideal partner for your villa design or renovation project in Terre Blanche. Our design office will provide you with solutions for a cohesive and successful project that meets your expectations.